воскресенье, 8 августа 2010 г.

... sunday... friends ... wedding ...

 what a nice day was today... sunday... friends... wedding...

today was the first time i was on non-christian wedding... it was something new for me... cause i was only on christian ones ....

and i think that was the first and the last time...

not because it was bad... it was ok...

just i don't like that alcohol stuff... drunk people...

that was my groupmate's wedding...she was sooooo beautiful... she was a BUG.. =)

the wedding was new for me...

cuz i saw many new traditions people hold on non-christian weddings...

that was fun... but i left quite early... before all of them get drunk...

i do not like that stuff..

+ i had to get ready for tomorrow... because tomorrow starts a new camp...


it is called "Sunflower"...

i used to be as camper in this camp when i was young...

and now..

i'm gonna be a leader in this camp...

that is so cool...

hope i'll enjoy it...


for sure...

i'll enjoy it...

because i'll have a good company with me...

hope the connection will be ok there...

so i can chat with that american guy...


i'll tell you how was the camp later... and now back to repacking my suitcase...


1 комментарий:

  1. He hopes the connection will be good too ms...

    He is also finding that when the chats end he still has things to ask you...but that's ok...

